Women of Independence/Monmouth

Welcome to WIM!

Women of Independence/Monmouth (WIM) is all about building connections with other local women. WIM originated in the communities of Independence and Monmouth, Oregon, but members from the surrounding area are also welcome.  Since starting in late 2018, WIM has grown to almost 2000 members of all ages and interests. 

WIM is primarily a social club, but members ("Wimmers") also participate individually and in groups to support many community and charitable activities. 

WIM's simple rules are these: be kind and respond with respect (and...no selling ). 

WIM doesn't have a leadership structure. We're a member-led group with rotating volunteers that help with Facebook moderation and sharing information through this website.  

Members are empowered to plan events throughout the year that are based on their own interests and, in the process, make new friends that share their interests.

Welcome to WIM!

 This month's featured photo

Happy New Year event at Jubilee, December 2018


What we've done

What has your club done that you're proud of? Share a few highlights below. You can embed a video, document, or presentation to summarize the work.


Caption for the video above
Caption for the presentation above

Bonnie, Ellie and Kat at Groundhog Day event.